On February 25th, 2021 the Coalition for the West Credit River submitted a request to the Federal Minister of the Environment to Designate the Erin Wastewater Treatment Plant as a “Project” under the Impact Assessment Act.
The Designation Request identified issues under federal jurisdiction that were not adequately addressed in the Erin Wastewater Treatment Plant Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. These issue included:
- effects of the effluent on sensitive Brook Trout and cold water fish habitat in the West Credit River
- effects on Redside Dace (endangered) and Atlantic Salmon (extirpated and re-introduced) downstream of the effluent outfall
- effects in non-federal protected areas such as the Forks of the Credit Provincial Park and the Niagara Escarpment World Biosphere Reserve
- cumulative effects of climate change, community population growth and increased groundwater usage on fish and fish habitat and aquatic species at risk
- perceived inadequate public consultation by the Proponent
The project was not Designated because the Impact Assessment Agency deemed that potential adverse effects would be limited by existing Provincial regulatory mechanisms such as the Environmental Compliance Approval granted by the Ontario Ministry of Environment Conservation and Parks. The Ministers decision can be found here and the the Impact Assessment Agencies Analysis Report is provided below.