To support our on going work click the link below, scroll down and select West Credit River Brook Trout Monitoring.
Donations go through Ontario Streams and are eligible for a tax receipt.
Your financial support will be directed to the following ongoing work:
- An Ontario Stream Assessment Protocol to document the health of the river before the WWTP is built, and in successive years as the volume of effluent discharged into the river increases.
- Monitoring Equipment to measure the effluent composition and to hold plant operators and government agencies to account
- Research into the movement and health of the Brook Trout in the Credit River that is being conducted by the Cooke Laboratories of Carleton University
- Raise awareness of the WCR native and natural Brook Trout population
- Ongoing expertise from professional resources; hydrogeology, aquatic ecology, water testing, legal representation.

With your support to date we have been able to successfully:
- Submit a Designation Request which called for a Federal Environmental Review of the Erin WWTP.
- Funded an Inground Infiltration Study that presented an alternative to directly discharging effluent into the West Credit River.
- Deployed over 25 temperature data loggers into effluent discharge at five Southern Ontario WWTPs. Data collected used to advocate for changes to the Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) for the Town of Erin’s WWTP.
- Raised awareness about damage to fish habitat on private lands in an Environmental Protected Area (EPA).