Coalition for the West Credit River

Trout Rodeo at Goodlot Brewery

June 11 2023 6pm @18825 Shaws Creek Road. Movies by Patigonia and prizes by SoFly. Celebrate, share and learn about fly fishing and the West Credit River. “Because in June the fishing is good everywhere”

Southern Ontario Trout Opener Social

April 14 2023 7pm @875 Bloor Street West, Toronto: Tying, Prizes, Drinks and Stories. The Southern Ontario Trout Opener Social is back. Proceeds support the Coalition for the West Credit River.

Thermal Impact of Acton WWTP on Black Creek

The Acton WWTP discharges into Black Creek, a coldwater creek similar to the West Credit River. Data collected by the Coalition show that the Acton WWTP makes Black Creek warmer in the summer and that the effluent remains warm into the fall.

Inground Infiltration

Inground infiltration of the effluent is a viable alternative to the direct discharge of 7.2 million litres per day of sewage plant effluent into the West Credit River.

Why Are Brook Trout Important

Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are the native cold water char in Eastern North America. Survival relies on temperatures below 20°C and pristine water quality. Brook Trout are in decline due to urbanization, over harvest, water pollution, climate change, invasive species, groundwater extraction, dam construction, habitat fragmentation and degradation.