Coalition for the West Credit River

Data Library

Effluent temperature data for 5 southern Ontario wastewater treatment plants (Fergus, Georgetown, Acton, Orangeville, Shelburne) in summer 2021.

Data Logger Here, Data Logger There

Effluent temperatures from 5 southern Ontario wastewater treatment plants in the summer of 2021 were above the 19 °C effluent discharge temperature assumed in the Erin Wastewater Treatment Plant Environmental Study Report (ESR).

Designation Request

Erin Wastewater Treatment Plant was not designated under the Impact Assessment Act. The areas of federal jurisdiction will be addressed by Provincial regulation and mitigation such as those in the Environmental Compliance Approval process.

Key Facts

Facts about the proposed Town of Erin Wastewater Treatment Plant, its environmental impacts and the Environmental Study Report completed for the Class EA.

Why Are Brook Trout Important

Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are the native cold water char in Eastern North America. Survival relies on temperatures below 20°C and pristine water quality. Brook Trout are in decline due to urbanization, over harvest, water pollution, climate change, invasive species, groundwater extraction, dam construction, habitat fragmentation and degradation.